“I live by the philosophy if you can help someone - you do it. If you can use your skills and passion to do so – even better.”

Giving Back
When a family is facing a life threatening illness - whether it is a child or a parent - it is not necessarily the time they think of or feel like having professional photos taken.
However photos of such a particular point in time can be so important and provide great comfort.
All of these reasons are why I donate photo shoot and digital image packages to families who find themselves on such a journey.
The photos are taken at a family’s home or favourite place and when needed they can even be taken at hospital including in beautiful parts of hospital grounds. The photo shoots are treated sensitively and with gentleness. I always take the lead from my client. Whilst I am there because of an illness it is not the focus of our time together (nor a subject of chatter), instead the focus is a family’s love for each other and the experience in and of itself providing a memorable sanctuary of time together just focused on one another.
Despite what you may think, the images filled with an abundance of joy and more often than not along with it laughter and a lightness. Sacred moments together in time inside a moment in time. Powerful. Enduring. Energy giving.
Giving back in this way has been inspired by the loss of my own mum to cancer in 2010. This devastating loss only reinforced the importance of photographs in our lives.
If you or someone you know might find comfort in having such photos please get in touch. I am always happy to help when I can.
You will notice I have chosen not to display a full gallery of images here. I always gift them without the request to share them publically. But I did receive very special permission for this feature image so I could help other families who find themselves in a similar situation. For this opportunity to share I am so very grateful to this amazing family.
I also offer significant discounts to charitable organisations I work with to help them have quality photography which helps them achieve their mission and vision. At times, and where I can, I donate my time and images. If you represent such an organisation please feel free to get in touch.